Civic Action

What does civic action look like in the EDDA initiative?

Students are going online to research politicians and local issues, and getting out into the community to canvass and campaign.


Students are identifying needs in their schools and working to improve school safety, increase access to vocational classes, and address environmental issues through school-wide recycling programs.EarthTeam Students are mapping their communities’ assets and deficits, developing plans to address community needs and presenting those plans to Oakland city officials.

Students are speaking out about the environment, education and gay rights.


A 9th grade student created this video about the impact of the environment on our lives for a history project.


Students are making their voices heard in the San Francisco Chronicle:

Public-School Education Includes more than Math and Science, June 13, 2014. SFGate.

To Change the Classroom Begin at the Top, June 13, 2014. SFGate.