Lesson 2 – Analyzing Infographics
Best if done in a computer lab. If not you can print out the infographics and project the colored version on the wall.
Steps in the Lesson
Do now: Write the question on the board and have students write their answers. Give them 2 minutes and ask volunteers to share. Write down the 4 main components as students share them. What are the 4 main components of an infographic?
First Impression, Story, Data, Strategy
Ask a volunteer to explain what an infographic is.
Let students know we will now be analyzing an infographic as a class.
Give students the infographic protocol.
Give students the link to the infographic or give them the print ups and make sure the info-graphic is projected on the wall so they can still see the colors.
Ask a volunteer to read the directions.
Ask another volunteer to read Step 1- the first impression
Ask another volunteer (or call on someone) to read the example.
Guide the students to find another first impression as a class.
- Encourage students that the first impression is a personal opinion. It is not a right or wrong answer. Guide them by asking them, what do they notice about the imagery? The font? The colors? The text? What stands out to them? How does it make them feel to look at the info-graphic? What kinds of emotions come up for them?
- Have students find a first impression on their own.
Go through steps 7-10 for the next 3 sections. For more advanced students you can have them do this in pairs or groups without the teacher modeling.
Assessment and/or Extension Ideas
Lesson 2
Once students have this protocol down it can be used to introduce new material. For example if you were doing a unit on the civil rights movement, you could pull up an info-graphic on the civil rights movement and have students complete the protocol. You could then have students make predictions, draw conclusions, or use it as a way to get students thinking about the upcoming unit.