
Reflection is critical for civic identity development, for our understanding of civic issues, analyzing the impact of our actions, and considering our own roles as civic actors. To be Community Ready students need to be able to analyze the effectiveness of actions they have taken, including whether they met goals, were able to mobilize others, and revise course based on action results. They also need to reflect on their learning experience throughout the process.


Student Voices

A 12th grade EDDA student reflected on their campaign work for a local initiative.

“It was interesting because I wasn’t really faced with people who disagreed with me necessarily, but I was faced with a lot of people who just fully abstained from political involvement and that was really frustrating for me because I just wanted them to at least listen to what it was about and know what’s going on around them, but they just didn’t even want to hear it.”


A 12th grade EDDA student reflected on his senior project experience presenting to an audience that included community members.

“I felt like it was a different experience. Instead of just talking to your teacher or in front of your class you get to go out and speak to other people. And it’s not different in a bad way to me. It was a good thing because it lets you learn how you can interact with other people without putting a grade on something, even though there is a grade being put on it. It’s still a real issue that you’re bringing up.”


A 10th grade EDDA student who participated in a project that involved creating a website reflected on the value of seeing other students’ presentations.

“…I was looking at other people’s [students in his class] and they did a lot, like really long. I mean I think my team did a pretty good job on the website, but….there’s always something better than you, like sometimes longer, more detail, and you look at it and you’re like, ‘Wow, I could have did that.’”