
What Happens When Young People Take Action? Teaching about the Freedom Rides

Webinar, April 7, 4 – 5 pm PDT

Link for webinar & chat is: blog.nwp.org/educatorinnovator/webinars

The story of the Freedom Riders presents young people who took brave and decided actions to dismantle the structures of discrimination—specifically segregated interstate bus travel—through nonviolence. Join Facing History and Ourselves‘ educators in conversation with historian Kathy Emery and Oakland USD teachers to explore innovative ways to teach this powerful and inspiring history. This discussion will help teachers and students to consider the relationship between the political context in which the Rides took place, the stories and motivations of those who became Freedom Riders, and implications for today. This webinar is a collaboration with the Educating for Democracy in the Digital Age initiative.


California Task Force on K-12 Learning Regional Meeting

Tuesday, April 1, 2014 from 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm

Oakland City Hall, Meeting Room One

The California Task Force on K-12 Learning (Task Force) was established by California Chief Justice Tani G. Cantil-Sakauye and State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson, to bring definition to the skills, knowledge, and dispositions that our students need to be informed and engaged citizens and community members, and make recommendations for how we can achieve these outcomes for all students in California. The Task Force has drafted a number of recommendations regarding standards, assessments, and accountability; teaching and curriculum; families, communities and businesses; and funding. We are holding this meeting to receive feedback from you about the recommendations and to engage key local and regional stakeholders and opinion leaders in the conversation about access to quality civic learning in their area. To register visit Task Force Meeting